Shotgun, Rifle and Pistol Sports

Skeet shooting, Wobble Trap, and Flurry
Members can sharpen their shotgun skills at a regulation skeet field, wobble trap, or flurry trap. A nominal $5 per 25 clay birds shot is charged. Members, their family, and guests are welcome, there is no guest fee for family/guests.

Rifle Range
For members interested in long-range shooting or simply to prepare for the deer season we have a 400-yard rifle range, with an enclosed shooting shed. There are steel targets at 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, and 400 yards. For those who really like to reach out there is an exposed shooting bench at 600 yards.

Pistol targets are also set up on the rifle range course. You must have a New York State pistol permit to shoot at the club.
The shooting facilities are never crowded and are open for use seven days a week (subject to notice and approval of the manager).