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October 2024

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Club Regulations

February 2022

The bird hunting season opens September 15th and runs through March 31st. The season may be extended to April 15 by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The club is closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Day, New Year’s Eve and Day. The club is closed on the first weekend of the regular deer season, open for deer hunting only.

The first 30 birds harvested, released or strays, will come off the member’s annual quota. After the quota is filled, all harvested birds will be charged at the rate set by the Board of Directors. A member’s quota is only guaranteed until January 31st.

All members are required to make reservations with the manager at least 24 hours prior to hunting. Based on fields available and the number of hunters in a party, he will assign hunting areas. Specific fields may be requested and fulfilled at the manager’s discretion.

The manager has the responsibility for releasing all birds. He may use his discretion as to the number of birds released based on the number of hunters and the area to be hunted.

All members may bring guests to hunt. Members are responsible for their guest’s actions. Guest fees are posted in the club office. This entitles the guest to take two birds. If more than two guest birds are taken birds they will be paid for or charged to the member’s quota. All guest fees must be paid prior to leaving. The member must enter the name of the guest and bird statistics in the club log. Each member is responsible for making sure, his guest(s) sign and date a liability release form prior to each hunt. No individual may be a guest more than three times during the regular season. The three-visit limitation does not apply to a spouse, children, or grandchildren of members. You will be charged a guest fee each time a family member hunts. Guests may not hunt deer or turkey. A New York State Small Game Hunting license is required for members and guests for game other than pheasant, chukar, hun and quail.

Members are responsible for their visitors. All visitors must sign a liability release form.

Bird cleaning service will be provided by the manager at the rate posted in the club office. This fee to be paid in cash directly to the manager.

Hunting is not allowed within 500 feet of the clubhouse, club office, managers house or pens. All guns must be unloaded, and actions open when hunters are not in designated hunting areas. Be aware of the house on the north side of Dugway Road near the intersection with Mallory Road do not shoot in that direction or trespass. Respect all our neighbors’ property. Be aware of the phone and power lines running on or near club property.

Dogs must always be under control of the owner, leashed when in vicinity of the clubhouse, club office or parking areas. Dogs are not allowed around the pens or in the clubhouse.

The harvesting of game other than pheasants, chukars and quail may only be done by members that hold a New York State small game license. All New York State game laws apply.

Hunters under the age of 18 shall provide a certificate of completion of New York State Hunters Safety Course or a valid small game hunting license to the manager before hunting. Visitors/guests under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or member while at the facility.

Deer may be hunted by Full Members, no guests, or relatives. Prior to each time hunting, a member must sign the deer hunting log to indicate time-in, time-out, area to hunted and deer harvested. Members will report in the log the sex, approximate weight, and number of points of any deer taken. All vehicles must be parked at the clubhouse. Areas to hunt are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Any member not complying with the deer hunting regulations may, by vote of the Board of Directors have their deer hunting privileges suspended for a period of one year. On the first weekend of the regular New York State Southern Zone deer season, the club will be open for deer hunting only. Associate Members may hunt deer after three full years and a vote to Full Member. Members are responsible for reviewing regulations posted at club office. A New York State deer license is required. All NYS game laws apply.

Only members may hunt turkeys, no guest, or relatives. Please note the following: Prior to hunting a member must sign the turkey hunting log to indicate time-in, time-out, area to be hunted and turkeys harvested. Members will report in the log the sex and approximate weight of any turkeys taken. A New York State hunting license is required. All NYS game laws apply.

For safety, all vehicles must be parked at the club office or clubhouse prior to hunting, using the rifle range or visiting the club for other purposes. Vehicles may be moved to the rifle range, skeet field or hunting field only after signing in and checking with the manager.

All members and their guests are required to take their trash home with them. If you carry it in, carry it out.

Firearms may be sighted in at the rifle range only. Members must reserve range time with the manager. For safety reasons do not use rifle range without the manager’s permission. Bird hunting has priority. If this is your first time at the range, see the manager for instructions.

  • Members must sign in at club office and sign out.
  • Guests must complete a liability release form.
  • Open both trap doors being careful to properly hook ropes holding doors open.
  • Do not walk under doors, do not allow children to open trap doors.
  • The shooting bench is secured to floor, do not try to move.
  • Gun muzzle should extend beyond trap door opening to limit inside muzzle blast.
  • Shooters and guests must wear ear and eye protection.
  • Guns must be unloaded, and actions open when walking up to check targets.
  • Only one shell in gun at a time unless shooting handgun or rim fire at 50-yard target.
  • Remove paper targets when finished, pick up your empty shells, targets, and trash, secure trap doors.
  • If you break something let manager know so he can arrange to have it repaired.
  • Our range is a wonderful asset, treat it with respect. We do not need pictures of the correct sight alignment drawn on the interior walls.
  • The steel plates are to be used after your rifle is sighted in, we do not want to destroy our shooting frames.
  • Remember safe gun handling.
  • All persons must wear hunter safety orange when in a field, including non-hunters, during the hunting season. Practice safe gun handling always.
  • All firearms must be unloaded, and actions open when not in designated hunting areas.
  • All firearms must be well maintained and in good mechanical condition.
  • All shooting activities must take place in designated hunting and shooting areas and be scheduled with the manager.
  • No shot larger than #6 may be used for bird hunting, except for turkey or duck.
  • No shot larger than #7 ½ may be used for skeet and wobble trap.
  • No guest fees.
  • $5 fee per harvested fish.
  • Only fish that are lip hooked can be released.
  • Caught or released limit of five per day for member and guest.
  • Caught or released limit of three per day for members only.
  • No guest fee.
  • Five dollars per 25 clays, paid in cash or check.
  • Call the manager to reserve field.
  • Members and guests must always practice safe gun handling.
  • Sign in at the club office and pick up key. A guest must complete liability release form.
  • Children under 18 must have small game license or Hunter Safety Course Certificate.
  • Be sure to turn off and reset traps and close doors. Return key to club office.
  • Empty shells must be picked up.
  • No shot larger than 7 ½.

Members and their guests may use the front door entrance prior to hunting or when not hunting. Hunters returning from the fields and ranges are requested to enter through the locker room door and to clean their boots and/or change to shoes before entering the main room. Mats for boots are provided inside the locker room entrance. Long guns are to be secured in a member’s vehicle or locker. Dogs are not permitted in the clubhouse. Smoking is not permitted in the clubhouse.

Under no circumstances is the use of alcohol permitted prior to or during hunting or shooting on the ranges. Members may consume alcoholic beverages in the clubhouse after an event or when shooting is finished for the day. Members are welcome to bring family members and guests to the clubhouse but must ensure children are under the supervision of a parent and are respectful in the use of the building. Members and their guests who are interested in staying overnight in the bunkroom are required to reserve the date with the club Secretary, David Ross, by email ( Availability will be on a first come, first served basis, a fee of $75 will be charged per night.

Any guest staying overnight must be accompanied by member. Members are responsible for them. Members who are interested in using the clubhouse for a special event are required to make a reservation with the club Secretary, David Ross, by email ( Use of the clubhouse by a member for a special event will be subject to availability, a cleaning fee and rental cost. Members using the clubhouse for overnight stays and special events are expected
to clean up their trash, leave the kitchen spotless and leave the building, furniture, and contents as they found it. The manager will adjust heat and air conditioning. No items are to be displayed in the clubhouse without the prior approval of the clubhouse committee. Any item to be displayed must be installed by the clubhouse committee.

Fees are posted in the club office.

The manager will enforce the above regulations and report any violations to the Board of Directors for additional action they deem necessary. Members are encouraged to report any violations of the above regulations to the manager or the Board of Directors. Additionally, any member may bring to the attention of the Board of Directors any matter that they feel should be addressed.